The dwarfs and their underlings toil day and night at the behest of the Overmasters, creating ever-more powerful vessels. These monstrous behemoths of steel and brass loom from the waterline like Abyssals themselves, covered in leering faces, and festooned with infernal weaponry, spewing fire and smoke.
- 1 x Resin Ankgor Class
- 1 x Resin Decimator Class
- 2 x Resin Blacksoul Class
- 2 x MDF 30x70mm Bases
- 2 x MDF 30x50mm Bases
- Plus Ship Cards
Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. Requires super glue. We recommend washing resin models in warm, soapy water before painting.
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Mere fra Figurspil / Mantic Games / Armada
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