Billionaire Banshee

Billionaire Banshee

Billionaire Banshee

Normalpris 140,00
  • På lager, klar til at sende
Inkl. moms

Antal spillere: 2 - 15

Alder: 13+

Spilletid: ca. 60 min.

Billionaire Banshee is a game where everyone playing pretends they're single and looking for a soul mate. There are two card piles: exciting Perks and questionable Quirks. The player whose turn it is grabs one card from each pile and the combination of traits listed makes up their potential lover. For instance:

PERK: They Have A Giant Robot
QUIRK: They Have An Adult Baby Fetish.

Everyone secretly votes if that player would date the weird combination, and those that know their friend best get a point.

The game continues as you find out weird facts about your friends, and the person that knows their friends' preferences best wins!

Spillet er på engelsk.

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